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Year: 2024

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Ship Maintenance: The Importance of Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

Marine vessels require ongoing maintenance to operate efficiently. While planned and periodic maintenance is essential, it might not be sufficient to prevent equipment and machinery failures, especially for ships at sea. This is where predictive maintenance offers a proactive approach to enhance efficiency, extend vessel lifespan,

Essential Tips for Ship Maintenance

Managing ship maintenance is crucial for maximizing uptime, ensuring safety, and reducing costs throughout a vessel’s lifetime. A strong preventive maintenance system is key, whether you manage one ship or a fleet of 1,000. Here are some effective strategies for implementing a comprehensive ship maintenance plan.

8 Tips For Getting The Best From Your Marine Electrical System

The electrical system is a ship’s lifeline. It acts as the vessel’s neural system. Without a well-functioning electrical system, you risk being stuck at the dock or stranded at sea. The electrical system of a ship is crucial for its overall operation and safety. It provides